During I work as Java developer with Spring Framework, I was thrown into the confusion of the role. How do I build the MVC pattern?, What is better thing?
I can’t always answer about these questions though. This article is the content, which my opinion about the role of each parts of Spring Framework.
1. The needs of The Spring Service logic
As you know, The service logic might be necessary on Spring Framework. Let’s suppose that the Spring Framework has only controller logic without service thing.
When you want to share the function, which be made by you, You can not it at this situation. How do you access between each controllers? You might be able to think the below.
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If You are already the person of familiar with the Spring. You could get that the above code is really stupid thinking cause a lot of reasons.
You gotta always keep the independence between all of controllers, But It isn’t. And You could not make the parameters of the thing you want from another controllers.
What is the best way to access the aFunction() from BController.java? If you get it, You could understand the needs of service either.
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I think that it would be more normal pattern of Spring. You can keep the independence among the your code when you would like to use some function at many places.
You can do like the above code whenever you need to create some function. The controllers would be more dependent than the services cause It need to consider the data given from client side.
The important thing is that you have to make the your own functions to the service files when you would like to keep the independence from others.
2. Aspect of building a Spring service.
2.1 How to offer the parameters.
To keep the independence of own functions located at service needs to manipulate the parameter properly.
First of all, It must get a primitive type data or POJO object. No dependent object like HttpServletRequest.
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If you choose the bad one at the above, then the controller what want to use your function always have to possess the Request object.
2.2 The function in Service has to be pure function.
Do you know the concept of a pure function? It’s really simple. That function has to be clear. in other words, The result is always same if parameter is equal.
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the pureFunction always return the same result but impureFunction isn’t case the variable named c.
We can’t make sure the result is same if variable c is changed.
Your function located at service should be used by a lot of controllers. but the static variable like c could make some errors unpredicted.
And It might be most important reason to use the pure function technique that Impure function can’t be used the test code.
3. The exception handling on the service.
To check your code in your business for the safety would be important as you know. like to check a Null exception, type casting exception or format things..
Where is best place for putting this code on Spring Framework? It’s really difficult to me and I can’t figure it out until now.
but I just found one fact, which is that the exception handling code be always dependent by some code. Let’s see the below codes.
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I think it might be simplest way to create the exception handling code. It doesn’t use the try-catch syntax and
this structure is processing exception handling at the controller logic. but the longer error code is the more it’s too hard to read.
That is you couldn’t understand that main business because the exception handling.
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Specific exception handling is always dependent with specific code.
4. For Reducing the redundant codes.
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To handle Exception at the service logic is better from a redundant point of view. If not you gotta handle at each controllers are used this.