Especially, I don’t know about the topic on today. It’s so subjective thinking of me. So I hope to read this lightly.

What is the O.O.P ?

I don’t want to consider the technical things at here for explaining O.O.P. I just wanna express this more simply, easily and intuitively.
I always think that O.O.P means the combination between data and method.

Object = data + method

Actually, a lot of the books are related to the O.O.P are introduced the above concept. and I really agree about this idea.
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and Information Hiding are just a feature of the object. in other words
It doesn’t means that they are not able to explain the core of O.O.P concept.

Some books said The O.O.P has created for express the everything in the world, but i really would like to think
the programming language is not a complex. I just believe, someday, some code might be needed the unification at a once and
we maybe use the function technique for solving it.

in the programming perspective, The O.O.P use the object (data + method) for theusability, code re
