Archive: 2020/8


CSS Transition attribute

1. the properties of the transition attribute.transitionwhenever you put down your cursor on this object, It would be larger 3 times than now. 1234567891011div.keyboard { width: 100px; -web



Add Dependencies1234compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-swagger2', version: '2.9.2'compile group: 'io.springfox', name: 'springfox-swagger-ui&#


Docker Commands

Dockerfile vs Image vs ContainerI thought that they are really different things before, but It’s not true. Actually they are like the concept of the program and process It’s the summaries about the do


The concepts of DTO

The concept of DTO and VO.A data transfer object’s purpose is to represent the data to be transferred to another process, e.g. from your backend to a web frontend. If the information you are transferr


The briefly summary of Rest Api types

GETIt’s just like the ‘SELECT’ query. when you need to get some data from server, then we use this type of api. Actually this is not the main topic of this article. so I will skip the detail of it. be


The sort of Spring Bean injections

@Autowired, @Resource, @Inject 어노테이션으로만 자동적으로 객체를 주입할 경우 컨테이너에서 주입할 대상이 여러 개여서 의존성을 주입하지 못하는 경우가 발생할 수 있다 @Primary, @Qualifer 로 같은 우선순위로 있는 클래스가 여러 개가 있을 시 그 중 가장 우선순위로 주입할 클래스 타입을 선택할 수 있다.


The sort of Rest Api Clients in Java

I just record the way how we use a lot of the way to communicate each others on the HTTP.It might be really a lots. I record just the summary about them and the way how to use them at here. HttpURLCon


The basic of Spring Data JPA

The concepts of JPA, Spring Data JPA, HibernateFirst time to study this, I just think they are same techniques but as you know, They aren’t same so I would like to explain about them briefly in here.


Singleton Pattern

Use private keywordThe main topic of the singleton pattern is It has to block the access for create new instance from outside because It’s needed only one object.We often use the ‘private’ keyword for