Archive: 2022/1


Spring Batch

1. Concepts of Job, Step, TaskletYou should know one basic concept of them. that is one of the relationship between each them. ‘Job’ includes ‘Step’ ‘Step’ includes ‘Tasklet’ so You can remember t


Add Flutter sdk path in mac

123> touch ~/.zshrc> vi ~/.zshrc 1export PATH=$PATH:~/Documents/Dropbox/ 123> source ~/.zshrc> flutter 1> flutter build apk --


Dart equatable

123456789101112131415class Person { final String name; const Person(; @override bool operator ==(Object other) => identical(this, other) || other is Person && ru


Configure swapfile in AWS free tier

What is the ‘swap’ ?‘swap’ means the technique enable use the HDD, SSD as a main memory when main memory is fulled. 1. Create swapfile with ‘dd’ commandlet’s create swapfile in linux file system. ‘bs’


About git

2021-07-26통합브랜치 (Intergration branch) master, develop 과 같은 역할을 하는 브랜치들을 말한다. feature 브랜치들을 생성하고 다시 통합하는 역할을 해서 이름이 통합브랜치라고 붙여진 것 같다. 토픽브랜치 (Topic branch) feature 브랜치라고도 말한다. 실제 운영 버그를 수정하거나, 새로운 기능을


Manifest missing error

if you build the project as a multi-module one, then you would be encoutered this error when you run .jar file. 1[project name].jar에 기본 Manifest 속성이 없습니다 the factor is the sub module can’t find the en


Change Java Version

Mac OSFirst of all, let’s check the java version in your local system via the below command. 1> java -version the below command will able to check the list of installed JDK in OSX system. 1> /us


The basic configuration of AWS EC2

It’s just the recording document to remember the way configuring AWS EC2 basically. 1. Create EC2 instance.Let’s go to EC2 page with search bar. and after that, you can see the instance tab in side m