Category: Devlog


Building Jpa with Querydsl

Gradle 프로젝트 기준으로 JPA에 QueryDSL을 연동하는 방법을 알아본다. build.gradleQueryDSL은 QClass라는 객체를 자동으로 생성하고 이를 기반으로 타입 세이프한 쿼리를 작성할 수 있도록 돕는다. 이 QClass 객체들이 생성이 될 수 있도록 아래처럼 플러그인을 추가해줘야한다. 123456789plugins {


Reflection technique

Creating new instanceCreating new instance using Reflection technique means You would call the contructor of the class.First of all, you gotta set the parameters for the constructor. Create Class<?


Importing Hexo Project

Creating the directory.let’s create the directory which is used the root directory of your hexo project. Pulling your git repository.123> git init> git remote add origin [YOUR GIT REPOSITORY]>


Checking network status using telnet command

telnet actually is operated on 23 port number. but if you just check the network status whether it’s opened or blocked, you can use telnet command. 1> telnet 6393 If it is opened, It


How to use Jira Client

DependencyYou could refer ‘‘ site. 1compile group: 'net.rcarz', name: 'jira-client', version: '0.5' Usage of J


How to use POI library

Dependency123compile group: 'org.apache.xmlbeans', name: 'xmlbeans', version: '3.1.0'compile group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-compress', ve


The way how create object in Java

1. Static Factory MethodThe java language offer to us the constructor for creating new object. It’s simplest way to do that but It has a lot of limitation.So We would study the new way for creating ja



1.2. SSL은 뭐고, 인증서는 뭔가?Secure Socket Layer(SSL) 프로토콜은 넷스케이프사에서 웹서버와 브라우저 간의 보안 통신을 위해 만들어졌다. SSL은 통신할 때 인증기관(Certificate Authority, CA)라는 것을 이용해서 서로 인식하게끔 되어 있다. 이 과정을 간단하게 설명하면 다음과 같다. [웹브라우저] 보안 페이지를


Static Factory Method

Static Factory MethodWe have often used the constructor when You need to create the object. because This function is basically offered a lot of the programming languages like Java, C++, JS, python and



docker run oracle example1docker run -d -p 59160:22 -p 59161:1521 jaspeen/oracle-xe-11g DockerfileENTRYPOINTThis keyword is used to execute some scripts when you start docker container. That is this k