Category: Devlog


About java compatibility in Gradle

targetCompatibility and sourceCompatibility maps to -target release and -source release in javac. Source is basically the source language level and target is the level of the bytecode that is generate


let's customize jar archive file name

gradlew p option can serve the user arguments into the build.gradle. 1./gradlew clean -Pgroup=com.github.kidongYun -Pversion=master-6cae222513-1 -xtest assemble publishToMavenLoca findProperty(String)


Linux Commands

Check hostname1> hostname Check running process1> ps -ef | grep <substring of process name>


Spring Batch

1. Concepts of Job, Step, TaskletYou should know one basic concept of them. that is one of the relationship between each them. ‘Job’ includes ‘Step’ ‘Step’ includes ‘Tasklet’ so You can remember t


Add Flutter sdk path in mac

123> touch ~/.zshrc> vi ~/.zshrc 1export PATH=$PATH:~/Documents/Dropbox/ 123> source ~/.zshrc> flutter 1> flutter build apk --