Tag: Hexo


Configure hexo

Configuring Hexo Blog1234567891011> yarn global add hexo-cli> hexo init devlog> cd devlog> npm install> yarn> hexo server and then you can see the blog page if you access to localhos


Hexo Installation Document

기본테마로 설치hexo-cli 설치1> yarn global add hexo-cli workspace 생성1> hexo init devlog workspace 로 이동1> cd devlog node-modules 가져오기1> npm install node-modules 가져오기 (2)1> yarn hexo 에서 git 으로 푸시하


Importing Hexo Project

Creating the directory.let’s create the directory which is used the root directory of your hexo project. Pulling your git repository.123> git init> git remote add origin [YOUR GIT REPOSITORY]>