Kotlin apply also with let run...
@DslMarkerThe problemWhen using DSLs, one might have come across the problem that too many functions can be called in the context https://kotlinlang.org/docs/type-safe-builders.html#scope-control-dslm
import eureka-client 123456789101112131415161718// build.gradle.ktsrepositories { // ... maven (url = "https://repo.spring.io/milestone")}dependencies { // ... imp
I saw the error with message ‘One To One’ attribute type should not be ‘Member’ when i mapped each entities are existed in different module. in this case, You should define @EntityScan annotation to f
Initialize default value for all of parameters.123456789class Sheet( @Id val id: Long = 1, val name: String = "", val author: String = "",) {} Create secondar
1.1 Executing Kotlin program without local compiler. You can execute Kotlin program in https://play.kotlinlang.org/ It’s IDE based on Web Platform. 1.2 Installing Kotlin compiler in your local comput