Tag: Network
TCP (Transfer Controler Protocol)UDP (User Datagram Protocol)전송계층 - 엔드 포인트간에 신뢰성있는 데이터 전송을 담당하는 계층.신뢰성 - 데이터를 순차적, 안정적인 전달. 전송 - 포트 번호에 해당하는 프로세스에 데이터를 전달.포트 번호에 맞는 프로세스를 찾아준다는 것. 이게 전송계층이 해주는 일이였구나.
Checking network status using telnet command
telnet actually is operated on 23 port number. but if you just check the network status whether it’s opened or blocked, you can use telnet command. 1> telnet 6393 If it is opened, It
Create Custom AMI
Create Custom AMIWe can create custom ami using the instance setting information, which made before. Let’s modify as the below code and Press the ‘Create image’ button 1234567Image name : web9Image d
Configuration of AWS ALB
Configuration of Amazon Load Balancer Do you know the function of Load Balancer in the network? if you have just a one web server and the number of your customer is not too many, then actually You don
Configuration of AWS EC2
Configuration of EC2 instance Let’s start to configure the AWS EC2 in the subnet when you complete to configure the network. EC2EC2 means the abbreviation of ‘Elastic Compute Cloud’. We can define thi
Configuration of Network for AWS (1/2)
Configuration of AWS Network Flow Enter AWS Website and Joining at there Create VPC Create Subnet Create Internet Gateway and Attach this to VPC Create NAT Gateway Create Route Tab
Configuration of Network for AWS (2/2)
Configuration of AWS Network Flow Enter AWS Website and Joining at there Create VPC Create Subnet Create Internet Gateway and Attach this to VPC Create NAT Gateway Create Route Tab